UUP Binghamton Chapter Executive Board Resolution on the Upstate Revitalization Initiative


To: President Harvey Stenger, Co-Chair, Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council
From: UUP Executive Board, Binghamton University
Date: March 9, 2016

Re: Resolution in support of 5 Principles of Fair Development

Whereas, Governor Cuomo announced that $2.25 billion in economic and community development funding would be awarded through Round V of the Regional Economic Development Council initiative and the Upstate Revitalization Initiative;

Whereas, the Southern Tier received $500 million as a part of the Upstate Revitalization Initiative Awards and that this historic investment is expected to have a $3 billion impact on the regional economy and create 10,000 new jobs;

Whereas, Binghamton University President Harvey Stenger co-chairs the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council;

Whereas, the UUP acts in the best interests of its members, the SUNY community, and the entire state of New York;

Whereas, the mission of UUP is not only to improve the terms and conditions of employment but also to defend the civil, professional, and human rights of those it represents; and

Whereas, all regional economic development initiatives have impact on the working conditions and well-being of employees at Binghamton University and their families;

Be it Resolved, that the UUP Executive Committee recommends to President Harvey Stenger that all decision-making by the STREDC regarding the allocation of all Upstate Revitalization Initiative Award funds follow these “5 Principles of Fair Development” :

Development shall increase the ability of all residents of the region to access the resources required to meet their fundamental needs including good jobs, education, health care, food, housing, and social security. It shall address these needs in a coordinated way. No single development goal shall be pursued to the detriment of other fundamental needs. Development must not result in the displacement of individuals or communities.

Principle 2: EQUITY
Development policies must enable equality of opportunity and outcome by prioritizing populations and communities with the greatest need. The Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council shall ensure residents of the region have priority for jobs that pay living wages, are protected in the right to organize, are guaranteed workplace protections and benefits, and communities most in need shall get priority to public services.

Development decisions including, but not limited to, the provision of public contracts, subsidies, tax expenditures, and tax increment financing, must reflect the meaningful input of all residents of the region–or at least those residents most impacted by the development project–and other relevant stakeholders. In order to do so, the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council must create processes at all phases of development, including but not limited to planning, formation, implementation, and monitoring that gather meaningful input from residents and relevant stakeholders.

Public subsidies for development must be discussed, decided, implemented, and monitored in an open, easily accessible manner that maximizes examination and review by residents of the region.

Public representatives and publicly subsidized developers are under a duty to engage in development that is universal, equitable, indivisible, participatory, and transparent, and shall be held responsible for breach of that duty by an effective means of redress and remedy.

cc: Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council

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UUP General Membership Meeting, March 14, 4:30-5:30, UUW-324

UUP invites all members to come to a general membership meeting, Monday, March 14 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in UUW-324. If you are not sure if you are a member, this is a chance to sign up. We are expecting the UUP Statewide President Fred Kowal to attend, as well as the Statewide Membership Development Officer, Tom Hoey.  This meeting will also be an opportunity  to get to know your Binghamton Chapter UUP officers and executive board members and to have a free ranging discussion about UUP’s role on campus and your concerns as employees.  We will be serving a light meal (pizza, salad, cookies and drinks), so if possible please RSVP by Tuesday, March 8 with our Chapter Assistant, Linda O’Branski at uup@binghamton.edu or by phone at 777-4382.
Hope to see you there, Benita Roth
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Friday, February 26, 2016 at the Endicott Performing Arts Center, Washington Avenue, Endicott NY.
Doors open at 5:15 p.m. with speakers starting at 6:00 p.m.  Film begins at 6:15 p.m.

The Public Employees Federation (PEF), CSEA Local 648, and United University Professions (UUP) Binghamton Chapter are proud to present a FREE viewing of the movie SUFFRAGETTE. Speakers include Assemblywoman Lupardo, Broome County Executive Preston, Dr. Leigh A. Wheeler (Binghamton University), and UUP Binghamton Chapter President, Dr. Benita Roth.

The screening is open to the public. (Download Flier)

A voter registration table will be hosted by the League of Women Voters of Broome & Tioga Counties.

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Solidarity Statements from the UUP Binghamton Chapter’s Executive Board

1) On February 10, 2016, the Executive Board of the UUP Binghamton Chapter passed the following motion:

MOVED that Binghamton University UUP strongly supports the workers of SODEXO as they negotiate a new contract.   MOTION PASSED WITHOUT DISSENT.  

This motion was passed because hundreds of Sodexho workers on campus, represented by United Professional & Service Employees Union (UPSEU) Local 1222 are in negotiations with Sodexho for a new and fair multi-year contract. The workers are currently working without a contract.  We at Binghamton UUP very much urge Sodexho to negotiate in good faith with the workers and to come to a fair agreement for these vital members of the Binghamton University community  

2) On December 14, 2015, after an email vote, the Executive Board of the UUP Binghamton Chapter passed the following motion via an email vote of 9 in favor and 1 opposed:

The Binghamton Chapter of UUP fully supports the adminstration’s plan to raise graduate student stipends and stands in solidarity with graduate students already at Binghamton University who are asking for equal pay for equal work.  We urge the administration to negotiate in good faith with the graduate students’ representatives so that fairness in compensation for graduate student work is maintained.

Please direct any questions to Benita Roth, Chapter President at broth@binghamton.edu.

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Change in time: UUP Negotiations team meeting!

The UUP negotiations team, headed by chief negotiator J. Philippe Abraham, will be on campus from 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, in UU-Old Union Hall, to solicit input from those represented by UUP. A light meal will be served.

It is crucial that the negotiations team has your input. UUP “Member Suggestion Forms” that enable you to write down your concerns and suggestions for the upcoming negotiations can be found online. Feel free to send via e-mail to the UUP office. If privacy is a concern, the form can also be mailed to UUP Headquarters or via campus mail to the UUP chapter office, LS-G516, in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Negotiations Member Suggestion Form.” Forms will also be distributed at the meeting.

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