UUP Benefit Trust Fund Group Term Life Insurance Program

We were just informed by UNUM (UUP’s life Insurance carrier) that the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) Life Bureau is requiring that Unum remove all Value Added Services (Worldwide Emergency Travel Assistance, Life Planning Financial and Legal Resources, Employee Assistance/LifeBalance – EAP) from New York situs Life products. Therefore, UUP will no longer be able to offer the Worldwide Travel Assistance program to our represented employees beginning January 1, 2021.

It is with great regret that we inform you of this action. The New York State DFS Life Bureau has confirmed that Unum’s insurance policies do not contain specific enough language to allow them to offer value-added services to their customers.Unum has attempted to resolve this issue by adding to their previously approved product filings, unfortunately, the New York State DFS Life Bureau has been unwilling to approve new policy language on the grounds that the services do not have nexus, or inherently relevant connection, to life insurance.

Please spread this information out to your chapter colleagues and retiree members. Should you have any questions or would like any additional information, please feel free to contact the UUP Benefit Trust Fund at 800-887-3863.

In Solidarity,
Tom Hoey
State Wide Membership Development Officer United University Professions
UUP Office 518-640-6639

State delays 2020 salary increases

Dear Colleagues,

Sorry to have to start the New Year off with bad news, but late yesterday we received notification from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations, that the state is again delaying implementation of the 2% across the board salary increases that were due to our members on July 1 or Sept 1, 2020 (depending on obligation). At this time, the state has indicated that this delay will extend through the end of March 2021. Once again, the state has indicated that this is a delay in payment, not a cancellation of the 2020 2% increase. This delay of the July 1/Sept 1 2% increase also mirrors an additional delay of the 2% increases that were due to other state employees beginning April 1. 2020.

As we know, the July 1/Sept.1 2% increase is contractually provided for in the 2016-2022 State/UUP Agreement. After GOER notified us of the initial delay in payment in June, UUP filed class-action grievances covering the delayed raises and related delays in minimum salary increases, including minimum salaries for adjuncts, scheduled to take effect in 2020. UUP also filed an Improper Practice with the NYS Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) on behalf of residents working in facilities associated with SUNY’s academic medical centers. Given the repeated delays in implementing our negotiated raises, we are continuing to pursue all appropriate avenues for enforcing our contract and protecting our terms and conditions of employment.

While we did not agree with, or accept the state’s decision, we understand that the decision is driven by the state budget crisis that has developed as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. To address this crisis, it remains critical that the federal government provides desperately needed assistance to state and local governments across the country, including New York. However, given the situation in Washington right now, it’s clear that any additional federal help will at minimum await the inauguration. Thus, it is more critical than ever for New York State to pass an “Ultra-Millionaires’ tax” and a “Billionaires’ tax.” Additionally, we will continue to increase our efforts to secure passage of the proposed reinstatement of the Stock Transfer tax. This option could generate over $1 billion in the first month!

Tell NYS legislators to fund the state’s recovery. It is critical that NYS legislators hear from you. Please take a few moments to ensure our voices are heard.

For additional information go to: UUP Campaign for Revenue Raisers (uupinfo.org)

Please distribute this information as widely as possible widely to your chapter membership.

In Solidarity,

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Telecommuting Agreement Extension


As I indicated in my email of yesterday afternoon, we were expecting that the telecommuting agreement would be extended. We received word in the past hour that the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER) will be extending the agreement through April 2, 2021. In that, we have no objections to the extension and expecting that neither will any of the other statewide unions, we will continue to advocate for its liberal interpretation so as to protect the health and safety of our campus communities during this most dangerous period of the COVID pandemic.

Thanks, as always, to Elizabeth Hough and Pat Domaratz for their hard work in securing this extension.

In Solidarity,

GOER to extend the January 1, 2020 vacation accrual cap

I am pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations to extend the January 1, 2020 vacation accrual cap. (click here to view)

As we are all aware, Article 23.2(d) of the State/UUP Agreement provides that employees who have vacation accruals in excess of 40 days at close of business on December 31, of each year of the agreement must forfeit that excess leave to bring their vacation leave credits down to 40 days on January 1. The new agreement with GOER provides that employees who have accrued vacation credits in excess of 40 days who have been unable to use that excess vacation leave due to ongoing COVID response efforts and will be given an additional year to close of business December 31, 2021 to exhaust that leave. The Memorandum of Agreement is attached for your reference.

Please work with your Labor Relations Specialists to address any questions that may arise on your campus regarding implementation of this agreement.

In Solidarity,


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Telecommuting Agreement/Salary increases delay


First, the good news. I have just received word that the telecommuting agreement that all statewide public sector unions negotiated with the State of New York back at the start of the COVID emergency has been extended through the end of December, 2020. This is what we have demanded, though we certainly would have welcomed a longer time-frame. Now, the work needs to focus on making sure that the agreement is interpreted liberally by administrators so that our members can work from home to the greatest extent possible to protect our health while also serving to help alleviate the severe child care crisis we are facing as a society.

Second, as you know, our negotiated pay raises have been delayed for another 90 days. This is disappointing and frustrating – especially for those among us who are earning so little: Adjuncts and part-time professionals. We filed class action grievances when these steps were first taken by the Division of the Budget (specifically, on April 1, when a small number of state lifeguards – for whom we negotiate – had their pay raises delayed, and again on July 1, when most of us had pay raises delayed) Because of this continuing crisis, UUP has today taken the step of starting the process of moving the delayed salary increase grievances to arbitration. Though this does not mean immediate resolution of the crisis, it is a step that can serve to speed up the process.

Third, to clarify what the delayed increases actually mean for us, I want to make clear that we will get all the money we are owed – eventually. When salary increases are eventually paid by the state, all unit members due their 2% salary increase (in keeping with Article 20.9) on either July 1st or September 1st will receive their salary increases retroactively to that date. If the unit member has separated from service (for any reason: retirement, non-renewal, voluntary quit, termination) she/they/he will also receive their retroactive salary increase for the period of time they were in state service after the date the salary increase was due to be paid (July 1st or September 1st 2020) by either electronic deposit or by paper check to their last address on record.

This worsening situation should remind all of us how imperative it is that pressure continue on the US Senate to pass the HEROES Act and for the state legislature to return to Albany to pass tax increases on the super-rich and on Wall Street through the Stock Transfer Tax to help New York recover from the COVID Economic Crisis. Please go to www.uupinfo.org and take action!

Finally, with the news early this morning that President Trump and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID, let us remember to be masked, maintain physical distancing and wash our hands frequently. The pandemic is not controlled in the slightest. We must all do our part to protect each other.

Please take care and stay well…

In Solidarity,

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